Digital / Print / Physical
If it gets coded, connected to a database, animated, hung on the front door, shows up in your feed, gets packaged up and put on a shelf or directs traffic to your site - odds are, I know how to get it done. The odds are even better that the end result will generate positive ROI and everybody will be stoked about the end result.
From the front-end to the back-end, to the sales kit that supports the new brand trajectory. While my primary focus has always been on digital executions - I understand how to run and source a wide variety of executions both On and Off-line. Below is a just a small slice of what I've helped get done over the past few years.

Mobile App (iOS & Andriod): Managed the UI/UX and Development for a Global Blood Glucose Management App (24 countries and 38 languages).

Mobile App (iOS) & Website: Helped the folks at Hero Digital get a handle on releasing a complete overhaul of the Xfinity Prepaid/App and website.

Brand Launch: Helped take the Shake Shack Brand from a single location in Madison Sq. Park to multiple locations across the US and even in Dubai. Managed the design of the initial website, brand standards, in-store collateral, POP and event launches.

Complete Digital Eco-system: Helped American Express launch a prepaid product that included the website, app, card, and digital advertising (paid/earned).

Rebrand & Consumer Packaging: If you run into any Acme, Ruby Bay or Blue Hill packaging in your local grocery store, I am the guy that helped rebrand America's oldest purveyor of Smoked Fish and created branded packaging for all of their products.


Food Grade Consumer Packaging


Direct Mail Sales Kit